首页 > 玄幻小说 > 海洋霸主有几个 > 绪论 虎鲸类型和种群

绪论 虎鲸类型和种群(第5/8 页)

最新玄幻小说小说: 武道世界修个仙三光神水星穹铁道:我!开局元素星神!星穹:轮回模拟,从病娇黄泉开始抗战:开局百万自爆无人机从烧尸开始长生从帝骑开始的破坏者异世:我能召唤天庭仙班多子多福:进了魔宗,我取而代之多子多福:我为龙族留过种大渊九罗众神瞩目为了逃离病娇地下室我成为了魔女养娇夫之后(穿越1v1)春日失控(校园,寄养,1V1)剑冢悟道精灵:目标,帮宝可梦完成心愿龙与千金大小姐的旅行嗅觉障碍有龙

le researcher observed them in open water. As their name suggests, they travel far from shore and feed primarily on schooling fish. However, because they have large, scarred and nicked dorsal fins resembling those of mammal-hunting transients, it may be that they also eat mammals and sharks. They have mostly been encountered off the west coast of Vancouver Island and near Haida Gwaii. Offshores typically congregate in groups of 20–75, with occasional sightings of larger groups of up to 200. Little is known about their habits, but they are genetically distinct from residents and transients. Offshores appear to be smaller than the others, and females are characterized by dorsal fin tips that are continuously rounded.

Separate fish-eating and mammal-eating orca munities also exist off the coast of the Russian Far East and Hokkaido, Japan. Russian orcas are monly seen around the Kamchatka Peninsula and Commander Islands. Over 2,000 individual resident-like orcas and 130 transien




